How to delete FTP accounts in C Panel?

If you need to remove an FTP user account for any reason, then you can accomplish this by following the below steps

1. Log into your cPanel account.

2. In the Files section, click on FTP Accounts Icon.

3. Under the FTP Accounts list, Click on the Delete link for the user you wish to remove.

4. Consier if you wish the files assocated with this user removed as well. If the files should be removed, click to Delete the User’s Home Directory. If you wish the files to stay, make sure this option remains unselected.

Warning: If you select the Delete the User’s Home Directory option, the data inside the users FTP folder will be removed and will be unrecoverable unless you restore it with a backup. If you are not sure which option to use, Pls contact us.

5. Click on the blue Delete button and the FTP Account will be removed.

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